General / Open Discussion / Re: GOOD TO BE BACK!!
on: January 18, 2018, 08:43:24 AM
Did anyone go ride based on this thread? Personally it will take me at least a week to dig the vines and plants out of my quad to get it on the trail again. haha. I should spray it with Roundup before I leave for work and get the process started. Sure would be nice to get out and ride.
General / Open Discussion / Re: Blast from the past!
on: January 18, 2018, 08:37:41 AM
Wow, time really can fly! Feels like I posted this a few months ago! Good to see you guys are still around. Would still like to make it out to Anoriginal's camp and talk about how my Big Pine house spend 45 minutes in the eye wall of Erma and came out with very light damage!
General / Open Discussion / Re: Any info on 12v semi-portable water storage/shower?
on: April 03, 2009, 10:45:47 AM
Wipe with any sheet of paper. Just crinkle it up, tear a small piece out the middle and put aside. Stick your finger threw the hole in the paper, wipe with your finger and paper will protect the anything from getting on the rest of your hand. Now, wipe off your finger with the paper and then use that small piece(of paper you tore out to make the hole) to clean under your finger nail. I guess you could write a thank you message using your technique.
General / Open Discussion / Re: eiger owners come and get it
on: April 03, 2009, 10:43:47 AM
I can't wait to go on a ride with Matt. What a good time we'll have. The trash talking in the group will be enough by itself to make a full length movie out of.
I will walk barefoot from Broward to the middle of BC for some of this action, and the video rights. Clear your inbox knob.. A few of us are riding this weekend..trying to invite you. To ride this weekend I have to fit one of these:  In here:  I am actually going to try and getr done because the one in there now is grinding so bad I am afraid it will lock up if I go and dog it in 2wd like my last few rides...so I might just be in. Was thinking of the humps Sunday with the rest of the locals. Look in group rides.
General / Open Discussion / Re: Whaddaya Think??
on: April 03, 2009, 10:32:41 AM
LMAO, If I would have seen this sooner I would have posted it myself and took that beer.  I think I have a higher resolution version in my photobucket folder that has the rest of the pics and videos from that ride. Good times, we should do it again when that rain hits central FL and the mud comes back. I hear The Plex in North Florida took 11" of rain yesterday. So it won't be long for the rest of us. !!! BTW: I don't even remember you being around back then...? You have a different name or something?
General / Group Rides & Events / Re: Florida City 4/5
on: April 03, 2009, 09:29:16 AM
I am going to try and make this. I want to meet all of you guys and do some riding!
You gonna be on your Vinson? I'll be on a Vinson cammo riding with my son hot rodding around on a blue Raptor. Flag us down if we cross paths. I know every trail and mud hole in the Hump. Yeah, same red Vinson. My front pumpkin is broken right now, but I have another and am going to try and get it swapped in before Sunday. Where do you enter and park at the humps anyway?? BTW: I was on 344th yesterday and about 1/2 way to Biscayne Park I saw a pretty good looking spot on the right and thought of you and the camo Vinson.
General / Open Discussion / Re: eiger owners come and get it
on: April 03, 2009, 09:18:57 AM
I can't wait to go on a ride with Matt. What a good time we'll have. The trash talking in the group will be enough by itself to make a full length movie out of.
I will walk barefoot from Broward to the middle of BC for some of this action, and the video rights.
General / Open Discussion / Re: Sand blasting question ?
on: March 27, 2009, 10:43:00 AM
If you don't use blasting sand you don't need to wear any protection because it doesn't hurt when the grains bounce off and hit you, and you won't see nearly as many sparks.  As for the water separator, well it is nice but the blaster I ran as a kid was like a fire hose and it didn't cause any troubles. Granted this was a v8 driven compressor and I was blasting concrete trucks, but the principles is the same. We know you will be using some sort of etching primer after anyway, right.  haha For little handheld units the stuff from home depot for sand boxes works ok and doesn't pit the metal badly as more coarse sand. Depending on what you are trying to clean you might want to look into plastic blasting media.
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